Use "brahmanist|brahmanists" in a sentence

1. What does Brahmanists mean? Plural form of Brahmanist

2. Brahmanists' One Hindu Nation ambitions (really a Poorbia Brahmanist fantasy of empire - "Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan") were exported to newly annexed regions by Brahmanist ideologues, politicians, socio-political organizations and schools during the late 19th and early 20th century (e.g

3. Brahminist meaning Alternative form of Brahmanist.

4. Brahmanism, brahmanist, brahmanistic, Brahmanize, brahmany, brahmi, brahmic, brahmin, brahminic, brahminism

5. Hence they were superior to the Brahmanists.

6. Cham Brahmanists pay special attention to death rituals

7. Here there is a difference between Brahmanists and other religionists

8. Here is the solution for the Jumble Puzzle Word Brahmanists

9. The Brahmanists consider knowing and feeling to be evil

10. These false perceptions were propagated by the Brahmanists to serve their vested interest.

11. Cause of the failure of missionaries to convert Buddhists and Brahmanists

12. Different opinions are found in different scriptures written by Aryans or Brahmanists

13. ‘And there are some ascetics and Brahmanists whose doctrine is directly opposed to those ascetics and Brahmanists: ’There is a complete ending of individual existence.’ ☸ Tesaṃyeva kho gahapatayo samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṃ eke samaṇabrāhmaṇā ujuvipaccanīkavādā te evamāhaṃsu atthi sabbaso bhavanirodho ti (M.1.410).

14. The scrambled letters Brahmanists are used in the Daily Jumble Word Puzzle and we have the solution.

15. These had silver tassels.Not only Muslims, but Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Buddhists, and Hindu Brahmanists use prayer beads

16. "Brahmanists" are Hindus, and "Jehovists" are those who believe in the monotheistic religion: Jews, Christians, Muslims

17. Yet, for reasons best known to themselves, Brahmanists have been trying to conceal the hideous, blood-stained record of Hinduism

18. Yet, for reasons best known to themselves, Brahmanists have been trying to conceal the hideous, blood-stained record of Hinduism

19. Yet, for reasons best known to themselves, Brahmanists have been trying to conceal the hideous, blood-stained record of Hinduism

20. While the Christians and Muslims allow free access to their scripture for all the converts, this is NOT done by the Brahmanists

21. Brahmanists, however, were able to see eighty thousand kalpas into the past and future, thus in a small way resembling sages

22. Been attempted from the communes of Buddhists, Brahmanists, He-brews and the Early Christians to the communes of the alternative society of the 1960s

23. Race and caste concepts are limited to Brahmanism, dont try to view other people with the glasses of caste as you Brahmanists usually do

24. And indeed no one, neither the gods of heaven, the gods of earth, the devils, the Brahmanists, the Taoist priests, the four heavenly kings, nor …

25. " The Brahmanists came to power on the Congress elephant by deviously converting the pre-independence political debate and struggle into a communal Hindu-Muslim religious struggle

26. A simple example: Hindus usually do not eat cow meat, because they believe cows are holy, whereas some Brahmanists eat beef and raise cattle for meat

27. ‘The Buddhists and Brahmanists teach that the man's individuality is not secured until he has passed through and become disembarrassed of the last of these groups, the final vestige of earthly taint.’

28. I have met Shudras, untouchables, Tribes, North-Easterners etc who couldn't two damn **** about Brahmins and Brahmanism, and yet these Brahmanists, like many posters here, tend to sing the songs of glory of Indra, their leader.

29. ‘As young socialist youth activists, we all started out as anti-Brahmanists under Lohia’s influence, totally contemptuous of the cultural regime of idolatory, customs and rituals the Brahmans had established to hold sway over society over the centuries,’ said Nitish when asked about it.

30. It is very likely that, as pointed out by Fergusson and Burgess, it is out of the long-standing contempt for the Buddhists by the Brahmanists, that the Buddhist excavations are popularly known as Dhedaw?d? and Maharaw?d? or the low-castes quar? ter (14).

31. These Brahmanists Brahmins in contrast to the truly scholarly ( there are also quite a number of them), brush aside as false and supremely irrelevant any HISTORICAL Study that would show that Sanskrit is a just a natural language like so many others and on top of that a language that branched off around 1000 BC or so from SumeroTamil and that

32. The number of beads also vary depending on the different religions, Islamic prayer beads "Tesbih", "Tasbih" or "Misbaha" usually have either ninety nine or thirty three beads, Buddhists and Hindu Brahmanists use "Japa Mala" usually consisting 27 bead malas, a divisor of 108, whereas Baha'i prayer beads consist of either 95 beads or 19 beads strung with the addition of five beads below.

33. Did you know that, according to, prayer beads are used by Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Hindu Brahmanists?  Why do these very different faiths use prayer beads?  What is it about prayer beads that attracts religion and spirituality?  This question is very interesting to me, and in order to answer it I had to do some …